Trusted by professionals from leading organizations
Boost productivity and collaborate with teams
Build to-do lists, CRM, project trackers, email archives and more!
How TaskRobin Works
Link Notion and Airtable
in 3 simple steps
Set up in just 5 minutes, no coding required
Send or forward your emails to your TaskRobin inbox
Automatically save all attachments, email metadata, timestamps and email contacts
also auto forward or BCC!
Why Choose TaskRobin?
Streamline your email workflow today
Save emails to Notion with a simple send, forward, BCC or auto forward
You can choose to save emails to Notion databases or Airtable tables
TaskRobin works with all email providers to integrate with Notion and Airtable
Save emails to Notion with a simple send, forward, BCC or auto forward
Use auto fill rules to add default values to other fields and properties when an email record is created
Automatically create and update email contacts in a separate table
Control which email meta data gets saved and integrate with your existing tables and databases
Use auto fill rules to add default values to other fields and properties when an email record is created
Integrate emails into existing Notion databases or Airtable tables
Save emails to different Airtable tables or Notion databases
Use flexible auto fill rules to create default values for properties and fields
Integrate emails into existing Notion databases or Airtable tables
More Features
Files and media
Seamlessly upload attachment files and email media directly to your destination app. Automate file archives.
AI integrated
Add Artificial Intelligence into your email workflow. Get email thread summaries to improve your productivity.
All email providers
Supports Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Yandex and more! TaskRobin works with any email service provider.
Value for money
As low as $0.0096 per email processed. Bulk discounts are available for teams.
Safe and secure
Encrypted in transit and at rest with industry standard encryption AES-256.
Live chat support
Personalized support via live chat. We will help you resolve any issues you encounter.