Trusted by professionals from leading organizations
Email Integration
Integrate Gmail, Outlook and more
Send, BCC or auto forward emails to Airtable
Save emails to different Airtable tables
Workflow Automation
Automated rules to fill in custom Airtable properties
Tag and prioritise emails in Airtable
Data Management
Save email data to your existing Airtable properties
Customise which email meta data to be saved
Download email attachments in Airtable
Automatically create and manage email contacts
Organization and Productivity
Easily filter email tasks by properties
Create integrated CRMs, task lists, and project management tools
Emails to Airtable tables
TaskRobin connects your email inboxes to Airtable to create integrated CRMs, task lists, and project management tools. With TaskRobin, you can boost your productivity and collaborate with teams.
Integrate Gmail, Outlook and more!
Forward your email to our robot inbox after signing up. Give it a minute and our robot will automatically add your email to your Airtable with all your attachments and meta data
Save emails to different Airtable tables
Choose and link a TaskRobin inbox to each Airtable tables to save emails to different databases. Works across different bases.
Tag and prioritise emails in Airtable
Include a line of #hashtags when you forward your emails to TaskRobin to tag and organise them in Airtable. Then you can easily filter and prioritize your emails.
Subscriptions start from $2.49/month